I have testimony of this Restored Gospel. I have the strongest love for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and for all that He has done for me. The perfect example He has set for me is something that I reflect on time and time again. I know that the only real way to find happiness in life is to follow Him and to strive to become as He is. I know and understand that it's our choice to do so, all He can do is simple invite. I have a testimony of the Atonement. It's not until you're at the lowest points in your life that you begin to understand the great love that the Lord has for you. I would not be able to go throughout my day without the knowledge and understanding of Chirst's sacrifice. It brings me comfort to know that He suffered all things that I go through. He lives and He knows and loves all of us individually. I'm forever thankful.
I have a testimony of Eternal Families. I love my family so much. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of them and what they have done for me. My testimony was first planted by my wonderful parents, who love the Lord and have devoted their lives to the Gospel. It's because of them and the things that they taught me in my youth, that I have had the opportunity to become the man I am today. I love them so much, and I'm so grateful to be able to live with them forever. The blessing of my family is something that will never end. The rest of my family is much the same as my parents, they are wonderful people who strive to live more like our Savior. I know that because of the sealing power of the Priesthood we can all live together in the eternities.
I too have a testimony of friends, Good and Bad. I know that as we surround ourselves with people who strive to live the Gospel, we can find in our own testimonies growth. The things that I've learned from my friends' examples and knowledge has been life changing in my life and will never be forgotten. I have some of the greatest friends. I've been blessed. I know that those people we surround ourselves with, are who we become like. It's happened to me in both scenarios, good and bad.
I have a testimony of the power of The Book of Mormon, the reality of The Restoration, and magnificent calling of The Prophet, Joseph Smith. I know that The Book of Mormon is scripture, and that it can change your life, like mine, if you but let it. The power and goodness of this book is something that I have recently been touched by, and that has changed my life forever. I know that its true, and will forever defend my love for it. I am grateful for the Restoration of the Gospel and Joseph Smith's hand in so doing. I know that many scriptures were fulfilled because of his heroic courage. I know that because of him we are able to again be blessed by the fullness of The Gospel in which Jesus Christ taught.
I'm truly grateful for the time I have had to be a missionary. I love this Gospel so much and I would give anything to help someone receive these things that I hold so dear to my heart. I would be so selfish if I didn't share the things that I've been taught in my life. I'm forever grateful for my "Missionaries" (Mom & Dad, Family, and Friends) who taught me about the Gospel by their examples and through their testimonies. I know that these things that I have written are in fact true. I hope that in someway your testimony of the Lord, Jesus Christ has been strengthened upon reading these words. I love him greatly, and I thank our Heavenly Father each day for the blessing of this Gospel.