Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"When I am Baptized"

What a wonderful day Saturday was!!  I was able to spend a lot of my day with this wonderful family, and I’m so grateful for their goodness, faith, and their uplifting spirits!!!

So for the last 3 months, we as missionaries have been going to their home and teaching them about The Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Throughout this process their faith has grown as well as ours. It’s been such a pleasure for me to be a part of their family and I’ve enjoyed seeing their testimonies strengthen.
 The time came when they decided that they wanted to be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. As the service began we started by singing, “When I am Baptized.” The chorus goes like this,

” I want my life to be as clean as earth right after rain,
 I want to be the best I can, to live with God Again.”

 That day they entered into the water with their father, Jason (who holds the Priesthood Authority of God), and they were baptized (the exact same way Christ was). The Spirit was so strong as he pulled them out and gave each of them a hug, and as they demonstrated their faith, by their works. I so look forward to the day when this wonderful family will enter into the Holy Temple and be sealed together for time and for all eternity. :)

What a blessing it was for me to be a part of their special day! I love you guys!!   


  1. I heard it was an awesome baptism! I wish we could have gone! Hailey was just beaming in primary - and you could tell something was different.

  2. :D

    It became real once I saw the picture!
    Awesome Awesome Awesome!
