Thursday, June 2, 2011


Today... I wanted to take a break from the "30 Days of Me", and just really express how I feel. So as a missionary at times things get tough, stuff goes wrong, you miss your family and friends, or maybe a few teaching appointments drop. Sometimes things are amazing though, and you think, "Could I be any happier?".  Really one day is never like the next.  Today has been one of those days for me that I just have had to sit, and think about all that I really have been blessed with. My mom sent me a vinyl saying that sits on my desk, which reads, "Be Still & Know that I am God". It seems like whenever things are going great, we seem to fail at showing our love to God; and at times of heartache is when we really pray and search for him in our lives. So whether your having a great or rough day... I would encourage you to do just do as I did, and "Be Still" and feel the presence of God in your life. :)

I love my Father in Heaven so much. I know he is there like a best friend; through thick or thin, at all times, in all things, and in all places.

I will forever be thankful for him.

1 comment:

  1. You have a good mom. :-) I need to contact her still about getting some vinyl sayings -- that is one that I want for sure! Thank you for this reminder. I appreciate it tonight!
